21/08 – [News] Nancy Lang discloses her ideal type; she likes “sexy brains” Park Yuchun

21/08 – [News] Nancy Lang discloses her ideal type; she likes “sexy brains” Park Yuchun

Credit: 暖日呀呀
Translated by: Christie
Shared by: JYJ3 + Geministar06


Nancy Lang has said before that she likes people with very sexy brains. Recently she was on the show “Talk Concert Queen” and was asked who is the one with the sexiest brains. She replied it is Park Yuchun.

“Whenever he is acting, his eye expressions and the warm, passionate look, you can really feel that he is a man with very sexy brains”; “Imagine strolling hand-in-hand with him in the Imperial Palace, just like in ‘Rooftop Prince’.”

Note: Nancy Lang (real name: Park Hye-ryeong) is a Korean pop-artist and TV personality
To see her artwork, here’s her official website & resume

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